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Which are our purposes?

Our ultimate goal is to promote a conscious tourism, respectful of the territory that hosts it and respectful of the rules designed to preserve its beauty and uniqueness.


How are the contents selected?

This App was created to be a pocket-sized, light and smart content collector that can improve and simplify the travel experience of the many visitors who choose these places every year as their holiday destination. For this reason, the selection of info is made with transparency and a single goal: to generate interest through its contents, ie of tourists.


Which activities are included in the selection?

We don’t want to be the typical tourist application designed to collect and publish indiscriminately, under payment of fees, all the activities and services present in these places, but “first of all” we aim at promoting a sustainable and cutting-edge tourist experience. The presence or absence of an activity, or an entire category of activities, is exclusively due to its potential usefulness for our ultimate purpose and it’s certainly not consequent to the payment of a commission or to an evaluation on the real social and intrinsic value of the activity.


How are the activities sorted?

We have no interest whatsoever, especially economic, in including, excluding or modifying the position of an activity within its lists. For us everyone has the right to appear and be represented in the best way, as long as they belong to the categories we have selected. To avoid disputes, we therefore let customer experiences (TripAdvisor, Google or Facebook) primarily lead the way:

1. Overall rating
2. Reviews number
3. Alphabetical order


Which are the benefits?

Stimulate more virtuous behaviors through greater awareness of the environment that hosts us and the rules that protect its balance. None of this would be achievable without the wonders offered by this place and all the locals who take care of its preservation. For these simple reasons we think it’s a duty to repay the Archipelago and its community by yearly donating a portion of the possible commissions, obtained through sponsorships, to associations that actively deal with environmental and social protection operating in the territory of La Maddalena. For the sake of fairness we’ll report, from year to year, the associations that have benefited from the generosity of our advertisers.


Become a Partner or a Sponsor.

La Maddalena Archipelago doesn’t profit from downloads, commercial activities on the app or any generic content, except for potential advertising banners and supporting partners. The latter, for greater transparency, will always be marked with the words “Main Partners” or “Sponsored”.


Do you want to become our Partner or advertise your business, while at the same time, supporting the protection of the social and natural heritage of the Archipelago? For more information, write to us at the email

La Maddalena