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Spiaggia Rosa (Pink beach)

Rosa (pink) beach, on the island of Budelli, is a true natural wonder that has become the symbol of the entire La Maddalena Park. Also exalted by Michelangelo Antonioni in his 1964 movie “Red Desert”, it is one of the most beautiful beaches all over the world. An authentic naturalistic oasis where you can find peace and wild nature. The sand’s marvelous pink color is due to the shell fragments of a unicellular microorganism called Miniacina miniacea that lives among the Mediterranean tapeweed.


Montebello21 ✓ Alert No service available.

Montebello21 ✓ Alert Once its colors were much brighter than now, for this reason since 1994 it’s forbidden to transit, anchor and stop to any boat. Bathing, diving, light fires, collect or remove flora and fauna (terrestrial and marine), sand, rocks and shells and walking access to the beach are not permitted. Only the transit beyond the limit of the Total Interdiction Area is allowed, at speeds not exceeding 3 knots.

Montebello21 ✓ Notice For a serene and conscious holiday, please consult the National Park zoning map on the official website


La Maddalena


Spiaggia Rosa (Pink beach)