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National Park Authority

La Maddalena Archipelago Geomarine Park covers approximately an area of 18,000 hectares and 180 kilometers of coasts and it’s a primary part of the Sanctuary for marine mammals area. The National Park includes marine and terrestrial areas (among the most important islands La Maddalena, Caprera, Santo Stefano, Budelli, Santa Maria, Razzòli and Spargi) and represents a very significant part of the Italian territory. In 2010, with the Bonifacio Strait Natural Reserve, will constitute the Bonifacio Strait International Marine Park, collaborating constantly on the protection of biodiversity with increasingly significant results.

Sport fishing
Permits can be obtained for free only by connecting to the Authorization Office of Park Authority website. Please note that for non-residents only land sport fishing is allowed and the authorizations granted are 100 per month (children under 16 years old don’t have to request permit).

Scuba diving
Year – 75,00€
1 day – 5,00€

Navigation authorizations can be obtained by connecting to the Online Portal of the Park, going to one of the affiliated structures or, alternatively, going to the Authorization Office of La Maddalena Park Authority.

1 day – 2,00€/5,00€
7 days – 34,00€/760,00€
15 days – 58,00€/1.440,00€
30 days – 96,00€/2.560,00€
120 days – 307,00€/8.960,00€

Montebello21 ✓ Alert Please note that boaters who do not obtain a permit, before entering the marine area of the Park with their own boat, commit a violation of current regulations.

Montebello21 ✓ Location Via Giulio Cesare, 7

Montebello21 ✓ Phone 0039 0789 790211

Montebello21 ✓ Mail

Montebello21 ✓ Website

La Maddalena


National Park Authority